Meet The Board
Organized disc golf has little to do with how one arranges their bag. With coordinated efforts we can have improved courses, better events, and insightful growth in disc golf. The Wisconsin Disc Sports Association is made up of dedicated individuals who have worked together to raise the level of disc sports throughout the state.Seed money starting this organization came from The Professional Disc Golf Association 1998 Amateur Disc Golf World Championships held in the Fox Valley. Most of the current Board of Directors were involved in hosting 1998 Worlds, as Team Wisconsin. Here is an introduction of the current Board of Directors of WDSA.

I started competing in Flying Disc Sports in the mid-1970's. I disc-coverd Disc Golf in the late 70's. After helping get Elver Park disc golf course in the ground, I began to promote Disc Golf, run tournaments and design disc golf courses. I served several years as a Regional Coordinator for the Professional Disc Golf Association; TD for the Mad City Open; Master Designer in the Disc Golf Designers Group and a reporter for the early Disc Golfer magazine. Wisconsin awards I have received include: Charter member of the Wisconsin Disc Golf Hall of Fame; President emiritus Madison Disc Golf Club; I was also TD for the PDGA 1998 Amateur World Championships. PDGA awards include: 1990 Senior Sportsmanship; 1994 Volunteer of the Year; 1999 Tournament director of the Year. I was inducted into the PDGA International Disc Golf Hall of Fame in 2011. I have served as president of The Wisconsin Disc Sports Association since its inception.
P: 608.222.0512
"As a basketball junkie out of school, I was seeking competition. UW Milwaukee held a distance - accuracy and freestyle tourney in 1977. I bit hard, learning ultimate and whatever Frisbee game anyone cared to make up." I have been competing in and directing overall, ultimate and disc golf tournaments since 1978. The biggies directed include; a few Ultimate Players Association (UPA) Regionals, 1991 Collegiate National Championships, 1993 World Flying Disc Federation Ultimate Club World Championships, UPA Sectional Coordinator for 12 years, coached UW Madison Ultimate to it’s 1st 3 National appearances including the 1st #1 ranking. One of the Founders of Madison Ultimate Frisbee Association serving for 20 years,16 as president.
A director of 22 WI State Overall Championships. Directed 2003 World Master/Junior Overall Championship. Directed 10 Mad City Opens and on MCO staff for 7 more years. Course directed Badger State Games, Mad City Open, 1998, 2016 Am Worlds and 2023 USWDGC. Ran distance competitions at 2007 Am and Pro PDGA Worlds. Hiestand and Elver Course Pro for a dozen years. Served Madison Area Disc Club/ Mad City Disc Club in every board title from 1997 to 2017 as well as President for the first 7 years.
Operated a frisbee show business, Sportacular Flying Disc, including clinics in schools and recreational programs form 1994 - 2023. Shows included Milwaukee Summer Fest and Badger State Games Opening Ceremony. Played in 2 Ultimate, 4 Disc Golf and 7 Overall Flying Disc World Championships.
“It is an honor to work with the other very fine WDSA Board members since 1998.”

John Terlap
P: 920.486.1325
John was introduced to disc golf in Augusta, Georgia when Brian Graham sold him his first Roc and Scorpion. He wishes he still had that Roc. John has played competitively since 1992 and turned Pro at the Pickle Open in 1995 when he was defeated by two up and coming players named Barry Schultz and Paul Nytsch. John has played in several World Championships, two United States Disc Golf Championships, and countless Wisconsin Tour events. His highlight victory in the open division was over a star studded field at the 2009 Northwoods Open. He enjoys designing courses as much as playing them and is always looking for the great Par 4 and 5 holes. John currently does the stats for the WI tour and helps out at as many tournaments as he can. He is able to play this great game because of the love and support of his awesome family.
Stevens Point
P: 715.341.5240
Randy Schukar
Board Member
Owner Platypus Discs

Randy started playing disc golf in Iowa in 1978, finding it to be a great activity. After moving to Stevens Point in 1990 he was disappointed to find no course. With considerable help from Waldo Stolpa, Keith Mansavage and others they managed to build four popular courses. Randy has staffed four World Championships and several other tournaments including 1998 Am Worlds in Appleton. “I believe that a heavy immersion in all aspects of the sport is important as we guide our growth on the local and state level. Above all, my primary interest lies in bringing responsible quality elements to the continued growth of our courses and our events. Randy was the point man of the current WI Disc Golf Tour for many years.
P: 414.803.3307
Terry Miller
Board Member
Lifetime Disc Sports - The Disc Golf Guy

Terry graduated from UW-Milwaukee with a double major in Information Technology and also Communications. In his mid 30's, he possesses over 20 years of playing and touring experience. “By running and organizing tournaments and competitions, I hope to bring growth and exposure to this sport, which can be enjoyed by so many. I will forever remain passionate about playing, traveling, and promoting disc sports.” Terry is very excited about his young daughter, Alison Rebecca (ARM), someday getting involved with all disc sports.
Lac du flambeau
P: 715.588.3233

Mike Cozzens, PDGA #3168, has been playing disc golf since 1974. He is the founder of the NorCal series, and former tournament director of the Caldecott Open in Moraga and Berkeley, CA. In 1993, he and his wife moved to Northern Wisconsin and together they created the world's first disc golf resort, Sandy Point Resort and Disc Golf Ranch. Steady Ed Headrick named Sandy Point a "Disc Golf Sanctuary" in 1995. Sandy Point is known far and wide as "Disc Golf Heaven." Mike helped to revitalize the modern Wisconsin State Series and has been the host/TD of the State Finals. He also introduced the "coveted black disc trophy" for tournament winners. Mike has been the tournament director of the annual Northwoods Open since 1994, and also the Sandy Point Team Invitational, and he is captain of the "Ranch Team."Mike and his wife, Michele Cozzens, own and operate Sandy Point Resort and Disc Golf Ranch in Lac du Flambeau, which is the home of the Wisconsin Disc Golf Hall of Fame. He is also a member of the Wisconsin Disc Golf Hall of Fame.
Two Rivers
P: 920.629.9997

My first course in 1981 was a 32 hole object course at UW-Oshkosh that started outside my dorm at Scott Hall wound through the campus past the music dept. and back to Black Hawk Commons at dinner time. I was the first in the dorm to have a portable basket (tri-star portable) in my room! My current role in disc sports started as a favor for my good friend, Pete Boersma, taking over the website and volunteering at Mad City Open in 1999 when his brother, Paul Boersma, was taken from us in a drowning accident.
I currently director the Silver Cup / Manitowalk in the Park tour stop in Manitowoc and have assisted with the Wisconsin State Overall Championships, Mad City Open and Justin Trails Open. As co-founder of Discover Eastern Wisconsin Disc Sports, I have connected clubs, businesses, and city officials promoting disc sports. I have worked on course installations at Silver Creek, Indian Creek, Cato Falls and Picnic Hill Parks in Manitowoc and Two Rivers as well as Francis Creek, Brillion, Brussels, Fond du lac HS and Triangle Sports Center and Pamprin Parks in Green Bay. Every new course we install influences a larger number of non-golfers. Imagine if everyone had a course right across the street from them. As golfers, we need to educate the new participants about respect for nature, removing garbage from our parks, the rules of disc golf and the benefits of competitive disc sports. I am the General Manager at the Lighthouse Inn on Lake Michigan in Two Rivers and father to two great kids, Alyssa and Andrew, who also support disc sports. I can be reached at 920-629-9997 if you have questions, ideas or suggestions.
Lindsey Krause
Board Member

Falling in love with the sport and the disc golf community, I saw a need to grow the women’s side of the sport. I used my business background to found the Lakeshore Ladies Disc Golf Corporation in 2021, a 501c3 nonprofit to serve and grow women in disc golf in Northeastern Wisconsin. Through that nonprofit, we run women's leagues in Manitowoc and Sheboygan counties and operate the annual Spring Fling Women's Open tournament. I am excited for the continued growth of this sport, and to be a part of this encouraging, supportive community! Thank you!
Lindsey Westberg
Board Member

Disc On! Ladies League - committee member, Summer Smackdown volunteer, and Throw Pink - Facebook Team Inspire member. Platform - Encourage more women to be assistant tournament directors with a goal of being tournament directors. Promote more women to play competitively for a higher participation in Wisconsin tour events.
Mike Harrington
Board Member

Make has been the Wisconsin state coordinator for 3 years, runs the Disc Barn disc golf shop, organizes several events and is involved with 3DISCgolf - safer, smarter, and more sustainable. Platform - disc golf course development.
Josh Hamm
Board Member

Josh has considerable experience running events, communicating with players, running a disc golf shop at Sandy Knoll Park in West Bend and working with parks departments. Platform - course development & player communication.
P: 262.308.1675
Sergio Correa
Emeritis Board Member

I was introduced to the sport of disc golf when the UW-Parkside campus course was installed in 1999. It wasn’t until 2003 that I became familiar with, and a member, of the PDGA (#23093). Since joining the PDGA, I feel I have become an active supporter and advocate for the sport of disc golf. In 2004, I ran my first event, the 24 Hour Disc Golf Charity Marathon, to raise funds for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. This event was one of the top 5 donation locations in the country. I served as the assistant tournament director of The Prairie Open for three years until taking over tournament director responsibilities in 2009. I have served as advisor to the Parkside Disc Golf Club at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and am currently a member of the Disc Golf Advisory Board at the University. I look forward to supporting the rest of the Wisconsin disc golf community and hope to bring new ideas to the board. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with me. My wife, Carla (#25732), and I live in Kenosha with our wonderful daughter, Giovanna (#56045).
P: 920-750-0158
Tom Jenkins
Emeritis Board Member

A professional family man with 30+ years of competitive disc sports experience (guts, ultimate, golf, overalls). Been promoting disc sports for the same 30+ years though numerous club leadership positions, tournament director experience, and through the design and installation of golf courses since 1996. “I hope to continue helping all disc sports grow any way I can.” Tom was a major contributor on the 1998 Am Worlds Team Wisconsin as well as the 2007 Am Worlds in Milwaukee. He served as Wisconsin Tour Director from 2003 to 2015.